How long is a transfer from the airport to Marmaris

How long is a transfer from the airport to Marmaris?

Marmaris is a popular holiday destination in Turkey, but the sunny resort does not have an airport. Do you want to know which airport is closest to Marmaris? You can read everything here you need to know about transportation in and around Marmaris.

Nearest airport Marmaris

Yes, you just booked a last-minute to Marmaris! But do you know how to get to Marmaris? Dalaman is the nearest airport from Marmaris. The distance between Dalaman Airport and the centre of Marmaris is 95 km. The transfer feom airport to Marmaris will be 1 hour twenty minutes. You can fly from Dalaman to 120 different destinations. Another airport within a radius of 130 kilometres is Bodrum Airport.

Which airport is the best if you travel to Marmaris?

Although Dalaman is closest to Marmaris, you don’t have to fly to Dalaman to reach your holiday destination. If you cannot find a direct flight or your favourite airline does not fly to Dalaman, consider a plane ticket to Bodrum.

Now you may have a cheap flight to Bodrum, but it’s important to calculate how much it will cost to travel to Marmaris. All in all, everything can be even more expensive.

Transfer from the airport to Marmaris

The airport offers transfer service to several destinations. This is organized by the company Havas. The bus takes you from Dalaman Airport to the centre of Fethiye and Marmaris. It will take you around 1, 5 hours to get to Marmaris.

When you’re travelling with a group of people or kids it’s worth looking at the option of booking a private transfer. Most companies offer comfortable air-conditioned minivans including child seats. The driver meets you in the arrival hall holding a sign with your name on it, carries your luggage to the car and drives you to the doorstep of your hotel.

BOOK NOW – Marmaris Airport Transfer

Another option to get to Marmaris is taking a taxi. How much it cost to go to Marmaris by taxi depends on where your hotel is, which route the driver takes and the possible traffic. It’s recommended to ask for the total price before you get into the taxi. It’s also better to pay in Turkish Liras because the taxi fares may differ when paying in foreign currencies. You can find exchange offices and ATMs inside the Dalaman Airport.

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